• Centre
  • Centre for neighbourhood studies ppf cns

China-India Relationship: Round Table Series - 1


Prof Gautam Sen and Dr Omi Marwah led the first of the two round table discussions organized by the PPF on the “China- India Relationship”.


The discussion centered on the military and economic aspects of Chinese growth and explored how it would have a far-reaching impact on India. The focus of deliberations was on understanding and analyzing the asymmetry between India and China’s growth trajectory post-1980s and the global dynamics that had benefited China in terms of its GDP growth. Various aspects such as the growth of science and technology in China, and the One Belt One Road initiative of China, amongst other critical factors, were discussed. It was also felt that the Private Sector should have the freedom to enter the field of defense production in an open manner, without restrictions of any sort, and should have the liberty to acquire technology from anywhere. The speakers agreed that our defense PSUs should be encouraged to find their own niche and compete with the rest with no preferential treatment given to either one or the other.


Dr Omi Marwah | Prof. Gautam Sen
